Thursday, 26 July 2012

Opening Ceremony

This shot took far longer to composite than expected. Despite Link's brilliant efforts with camera tracking I couldn't get a clean enough solve on the original shot I wanted to use. I then tried re-tracking the shot in 2D both After Effects and Nuke. When I applied the tracking data to the renders I still wasn't getting a satisfactory results and after a few hours of trying to manually adjust the renders it was still not working well. I think this was due to the lack of parallax in the original footage but I was still surprised at the lack of a steady result even when using a still frame over a rendered sequence:

After some deliberation I decided to use another version of the opening shot which had a cleaner solve. This involved a lot of re-doing rotoscoping and rendering however the result is much more convincing. There is still a slight wobble when the renders are added to the shot however I am anticipating that when the grain is added and the final edit is put together that this will be less noticeable. So here is the new opening as it stands. Although I am sad to miss the addition of the people it is more fitting to the atmosphere of the piece without them and the colour more in keeping with the subsequent shots:

My only issue now is that it blends in rather too well perhaps with the environment colour-wise, which may make it tricky to spot but is ultimately maybe not a bad thing. 

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