Sunday, 30 September 2012

CV Sept 2012

So... computers have been set up, website re-design is underway and CV is updated. Let the serious task of job hunting begin...

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Website Updates

Updated my website with the 2012 showreel as it stands along with Waverley and its making of in the short videos page. Phew. Please do have a look and let me know if there are any glitches (it has been a while since I did anything to the site, hopefully in the week to follow I'll get some more images up and finally start drawing again! ) :

Updated Showreel

This is an updated showreel, not quite how I would like it but enough to show some progress at the moment. Sadly the hard-drive with all of my undergraduate work on it has ceased to work so fingers crossed I can put it in for repair and get it back (at least in part). I'm hoping to get some work sent out to companies etc. soon so thought it was wort updating the showreel in a basic manner while I can so that my website can ref;lect some of the more recent work I have done. Hopefully I'll get an even shinier version out soon...

Sarah Dargie 2012 Showreel from sarah dargie on Vimeo.

Waverley : Masters Degree Show Film

So this was the version of Waverley as it stood in the Masters Degree Show, from which I was awarded an Msc. in Animation & Visualisation with Distinction. Phew and big thanks to everyone who got involved/ supported me along the way.

Waverley : What Would Sant'Elia Do? from sarah dargie on Vimeo.

Waverley : Making Of

This was a video created as a basic making of which was played on one of the imacs during the degree show. Time constraints and lack of memory coupled with the knowledge that this was an extra we were not getting assessed on meant that it is not a fully polished piece but hopefully gives some insight into how Waverley was created. 

MO from sarah dargie on Vimeo.