Friday, 24 December 2010

Samurai Bistro : A DIY Advent Scene

Re-Useable Stickers for Digitally Aware Adults.

The idea is simple:

1. Use the advent backing colours to brighten up the background.
2. Move the figures and items from the advent onto the scene and copy/paste as many times as desired.

Bonus points go to anyone who gets the most cranes into the picture and who uses the most colours.

I've emailed it out to a few willing subjects but if anyone else has Photoshop and wants a go let me know and I'll email the file. I would've loved to have done a better background but the lack of computer stopped that idea..

My Computer Died. Hello Final Advent on Archaic Technology. Merry Christmas Eve

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Minor Disastrophe

Yesterday afternoon my computer finally had a meltdown.

Although all my work was backed up, as all my discs are in my term time flat and its festive season this means no Photoshop and paper only for me for a week. I was however about 2/3 through this background for A Sweet Disposition so any early comments are welcome. It is rough at the moment so excuse the colour balance, it will be fixed...

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Ding Dong Merrily On High

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


Monday, 20 December 2010

Santa's Patient Helper

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Lowering The Tone

Sound Of Silence [On A NY Subway at 3am]

I should probably explain this one. Its my take on Simon and Grafunkle's 'Sound of Silence' which I was doing with Ciaran. I was supposed to be doing another based on a nightclub closing in New York but time is against me so I've combined the two. Basically it was a practice drawing figures and sticking to a limited colour pallette, thanks to adobe kuler, if you've not used I've linked it there - very fun and useful. This was the result.

Saturday, 18 December 2010


Friday, 17 December 2010


The Emperor's New Advent

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Semester One Ends.

Winter Nights

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Scene 13 Test One

More animation for A Sweet Disposition. This is the start of John's layer from scene 13. Timing and lip-synching tests.

It's too big for blogger to load so Vimeo link can be found here:

Scene 08 Test One

Another post from the all-nighters in Eleanor's cupboard/after hours animation studio. Eleanor has solved the issue of the perspective 3/4 run cycle. Team Disposition are happy and caffeinated.

Scene 03 Update

Scene 03 for A Sweet Disposition has been fully key-framed. The line test is dark at the start, the lip-sync looks odd without the dialogue and there are issues with some in-betweens regarding his arm and the B*st*rd bucket handles [my affectionate term for them] but yes, getting there...

Solar Paneled Cherry Blossom

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Spot The Difference

I got feedback from Ashley on the animation I helped her with last week for Mouse-tasche. Below are re-jigged versions of what was wrong.

Maya Update

Bob has been successfully rigged, blend shaped and has has his weights painted. Subtle differences Finally the smoke particle tests can begin..

Monday, 13 December 2010

Sunday, 12 December 2010


Post 150. More Keyframes.

Scene 03 for 'A Sweet Disposition'. Partial keyframes. The video was too large for blogger so see it in better light on this Vimeo link:

Over The Top

A Sweet Disposition Keyframes.

Partial Keyframes for 'A Sweet Disposition' Scene 13.


I got the internet working agin. Belated advents will be posted throughout the evening.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Between Mice

Yesterday was in-betweening day. I'll get a scene from A Sweet Disposition up later, but for now have some abstract mice from Mouse-tasche. All keyframes were drawn by Ashley, though o the first video there is one which seems to be wrong. Ten points if you spot it.

Monday, 6 December 2010


Because I've been working on so many projects I've formatted the work I've done so far into a portfolio prior to Wednesday's hand in. All I need to do now is finish a lot of in-betweens, get cds/dvds organised of all the film bits with credits to what I've done, smoke monster tests......

Tea Tree

Blend Shape Bob

Smokey Bob from A Sweet Disposition has been rigged and the blend shapes are working. I'm finding Maya fun again.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Shiny Trinkets

Cupboards and Clowns

Update from Eleanor's cupboard [a.k.a. The Batcave] which is our out of hours studio as demonstrated on the blog for A Sweet Disposition. So scary clown keyframes timing take one.

Dark Barn

Darker scary barn for Joe and Brian's Mawkin's Backfire.

Saturday, 4 December 2010


House Project

Second take on the house project for Rory and the masters student.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Seasonal Savouries

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Yule Stool


This was another challenge set by the ever-talented Ciaran. This is my take on illustrating the song 'Ghost's by Japan. You-tube link here. I don't think its finished and the colours are unbalanced but
I'm behind with these and there is another to start on...

Madvent Calender

The idea is simple. Draw 25 elements one each day of advent spending no more than 10 minutes on it in the aim of compiling a final scene. I have no idea where this will go and have started with an easy if very fitting subject.